Choose the Push Pin Map for Your Travels
Wall Art with Your Travel Story
Whether you are pinning your adventures, mapping upcoming routes, or planning future destinations, your map is telling a story with you. Make it your travel diary and watch it evolve each time you step out of the house.
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11 000+ travelers around the world use Trip Map to track their travels.
Here’s What People are Saying
Popular Push Pin Travel Maps
How did Trip Map Start?
Once, we were travelers who wanted to conquer the world. Today, we are still traveling with the passion for sharing our memories with others.
Trip Map was born in 2017 from a personal wish to own a visual travel diary that would help to keep track of our adventures and complement the interior. Little did we know, a lot of travelers had the same desire!
Fast forward 5 years; today, we are a team of 8 people who put in a lot of love and effort so that you would be able to mark every adventure on a modern and detailed push pin map and share your travel story. And how does your story begin?
Marta & Paulius, Co-founders