Europe, Poland, Travel stories

A Trip to Zakopane: Dolina Białego, Sarnia Skała, Wodospad Siklawica and Dolina Strążyska (I)

trip to zakopane Sarnia Skała

Remembering the names of the touristic attractions in Poland is not an easy task. To me, they all sound the same, so carrying a map or having an app with all the places marked is a really good idea. I would always first check on the map the name of a location, and then look for indications on the road.

summer in zakopane

Traveling to Zakopane, the weather forecast predicted rain and it made me a bit worried. I bought a few raincoats and was really hoping that this evil rain would pass us by. However, it was raining from the morning already on the first day. It was clear that climbing the mountains was not an option: it‘s slippery, it‘s wet, and lightning might strike. Therefore, we decided to visit a few smaller parks that were easily accessible by foot from the place we were staying in. It took us several hours, and the raincoats totally helped. We managed to visit Dolina Białego, Sarnia Skała, Wodospad Siklawica, and Dolina Strążyska.

morning in zakopane

This route might be suitable not only if it’s raining and you don’t have a choice. You can also choose it if you don’t have a lot of time, you want to stretch your legs before more severe hikes, or maybe you don’t have the stamina to climb the longer trail and just want to have a more relaxing day.

tourist trail in zakopane poland

All the trails in the Tatra Mountains are labeled by colors. So even if you don’t find a sign pointing to your destination, you can orientate yourself according to the color of the trail you’re following.

Dolina Białego

We started our hike by visiting a park called Dolina Białego. The entrance to the park goes through a payment booth located at the beginning of the park. A reminder: a single one-day ticket to the Tatras park costs 5 zl, while a weekly ticket costs 25 zl.

park Dolina Białego

The path leading us through the woods wasn’t too steep. After a short walk, the landscape became more pleasant to the eye. Streams were flowing, and we were surrounded by majestic cliffs. The path itself is not difficult yet rocky, so it‘s better to wear mountain shoes if you have a pair.

rainy day in tatra

Dolina Białego trail in zakopane

Following the path, we reached a small waterfall. By that time the rain was ending, and we were finally able to take off our raincoats. On the way, there were some benches where you could sit, rest and admire the views.

Dolina Białego trail in poland

Sarnia Skała

From the end of the Dolina Strążyska park, we decided to follow the black trail. Through steep stone stairs, the path was leading us up towards Sarnia Skała. It is a small peak of a cliff/mountain offering a lovely view. Even on a cloudy day, the weather made everything look more magical. We felt like we were in Twin Peaks. At the peak, we were able to rest a bit. We were enjoying the spectacular scenery and watching the clouds trundling over the mountain top.

hiking in zakopane poland

trail to Sarnia Skała in tatra

view from the top tatra

Wodospad Siklawica

Going down the mountain we continued following the black trail until we reached Wodospad Siklawica. It’s a waterfall that is falling down from the mountain. The spot and the surroundings are truly beautiful yet very crowded. There were lots of tourists standing in a line just to take a picture. It was a rainy day, so I imagine on a sunny day it could be even worse.

dolina strążyska waterfall in poland

tatra waterfalls dolina strążyska

Dolina Strążyska

After visiting the waterfall, we were walking back to the city following the path in the Dolina Strążyska park. This path was really easy, without any steep slopes or rocks. I could even say it was a bit boring. On a sunnier day, we could have stopped to enjoy the views, since there were lots of mountains and cliffs around.

dolina strążyska tatra mountains

In the end, I would say that this route was quite easy, with only a few steep parts in some places. The views were magical even on a rainy day. The length of the route doesn’t make you too exhausted and could be easily completed even together with children.

places to visit in zakopane dolina strążyska tripmap