Travel Tips & Ideas

16 Ways for a Traveler to Create a Hygge Home and Life

hygge at home tripmap

As the cold season is settling in, and we tend to spend more time at home, it is important to keep one‘s spirits up, embrace the coziness, and indulge in some simple pleasures. Easier said than done, right?

The recipe for a happy life has been long discovered by Danes and people from other Nordic countries. Even with the cold climate and lack of sunlight, they manage to remain positive throughout the year. Their secret is hygge – a Nordic life philosophy that helps to find happiness in small things.

In recent years, hygge has become a popular trend around the world, even though the word itself is not easy to translate into any other language. Usually, hygge is defined as a concept that includes different ways and actions that give us satisfaction, help us feel safe and happy, create warmth and coziness in our environment.

Online, you can find plenty of tips on how to create a hygge mood at home. We‘ve listed 16 ways on how to do it if you‘re a travel-lover.

1. Let there be light.

According to hygge experts, the right lighting is the key to a happy home – it shouldn‘t be too bright, but rather warm and cozy. It’s perfect if you can light a fireplace at home, hang some lanterns, but even simple candles will work – actually, they are one of the main hygge elements. Pick out candles that are not only pretty but also have a nice aroma – various scents bring back nostalgic memories, remind of visited places, and fun travel stories.

hygge at home fireplace

2. Create a cozy nook.

Hygge teaches us toenjoy our environment and create a home that would be pleasant to come back to after a long day at work. Your hygge home needs a cozy nook where you could curl up in a blanket, take your time to rest and relax, read a book, do a crossword puzzle or have a cup of warm tea. The nook has to be your happy place so you can arrange everything as you wish: for example, light some candles or surround yourself with fresh flowers.

3. Book reading and other calming activities.

Hygge encourages taking up some self-fulfilling, quality activities that are often forgotten in our fast-paced lives. It could be knitting or sewing, solving puzzles and crossword puzzles, and of course – book reading. Books are one of the main hygge elements because they make us be present and stay in the moment. If you’re a travel-lover, choose a good travel book or an adventurous novel that will take you to some interesting parts of the world.

hygge at home books

4. Quality time with family and friends.

Quality time with family and friends is as important as a relaxing time with yourself. Turn off your smartphone and other gadgets, invite a couple of friends, and suggest doing some fun activities together. You can play board games, finally do that 1000-pieces puzzle, or maybe review some travel photos and reminisce about good times.

5. Cozy candlelight dinner.

Another pleasant activity that you can involve your friends, loved ones, or your partner in – is a delicious candlelight dinner. To make it more interesting, give a theme to it: for example, you can try out dishes and drinks of various world cuisines. According to hygge philosophy, cooking and tasting food in a safe and cozy environment is an activity that brings us closer together and lightens up the mood.

If you need some inspiration, here are a few ideas on various world cuisines to try out at home: 9 World Cuisines to Try Out at Home During Quarantine

hygge at home dinner

6. Movie night.

What can be cozier than watching a movie curled up in a warm blanket with a good company and a steaming mug in your hands? Create a cozy nook with pillows, make some delicious comfort food, dim the lights – and a pleasant evening is guaranteed! If you’re a travel-lover, choose a travel-themed movie that will satisfy your wanderlust.

Here are a few ideas: 13 Travel Movies That Will Inspire You to Travel Long-Term

7. “Vacation-style“ breakfast in bed

There’s nothing better than letting yourself stay in bed for a couple more hours in the morning, reading a newspaper and drinking a fragrant cup of coffee. And if you can add breakfast in bed to that – it can become like a short-vacation experience that will definitely cheer you up. If you’re a bit lazy to cook right after waking up in the morning – just order in!

hygge at home breakfast

8. SPA experience in your bathroom.

Instead of taking a quick shower, let yourself enjoy a warm bath! Create a real SPA experience in your bathroom – it should become a sanctuary for relaxing and regaining your strengths. Invest in good fluffy towels, candles, essential oils, and other pleasant knick-knacks. With the help of various scents and music, you can create an atmosphere that will remind you of exotic lands and other visited places.

hygge at home spa

9. Decorate your home with memories.

Hygge is about keeping it simple. Instead of storing a bunch of clutter at home, try surrounding yourself with things that really make you happy. Decorating your home with treasured memories is always a good idea: create a small exposition of family photos and travel souvenirs, make a nice display of travel magnets and postcards, or maybe hang a travel map to document your family’s adventures?

10. More natural materials.

Another important hygge principle is using more natural elements in your environment. Incorporate natural wood in your interior, decorate your home with plants and fresh flowers, and try using a warm, natural color palette. Using cones, seashells, or other natural mementos you’ve brought back from hikes or travels, is also a great idea. In this way, you will not only create a cozier environment but also restore nice memories.

11. Warm drinks.

Drinking a cup of hot drink, whatever it might be, will definitely help you feel the hygge atmosphere on a cold and dark evening. There’s a wide selection of hygge drinks, so you can choose whatever you like: from spiced mulled wine or ginger tea to hot chocolate and cinnamon coffee. In case you have a drink that reminds you of some visited places or past vacation – recreate precious memories by making it!

hygge at home drinks

12. Baked goods and other delicacies.

Tasting various delicacies can definitely lift one’s spirits! Let yourself enjoy a piece of apple pie, chocolate buns, or any other dessert of your choice. Baking at home is an activity that is calming and relaxing in itself – you can try it out by yourself, as well as with your partner or other family members. If you miss traveling – bake something from various world cuisines.

hygge at home baking

13. Relaxing music from around the world.

Music is one of the easiest ways to create that cozy hygge mood, and you can listen to it anytime: while reading, socializing, or doing other things. Music both relaxes and creates a certain atmosphere: it can invoke nostalgia and bring back memories. You can listen not only to music from around the world but also to various sounds: rustling forest, waves crashing to the shore, howling birds, rain and thunder sounds, etc.

14. A cozy hike in nature.

The hygge mood can be createdoutdoors as well as at home. During the cold season, it is even recommended to step outside, breathe some fresh air, and exercise a little. Wrap yourself in warm layers, take lanterns, a bag with snacks, a huge thermos of mulled wine or hot tea, and set on a hike! The cold season is a good time to visit some nearby parks, forests, and other places that were previously overlooked.  

hygge at home hiking

15. Make a bonfire.

Another great hygge outdoors idea is lighting a bonfire! Find an appropriate place (maybe next to your house, in the village or some nature spot?), invite a group of friends and family members, cook some food, and spend some quality time together! For most of us, bonfires are something nostalgic, reminding of childhood – it is a great opportunity to share some travel stories and fun anecdotes with your loved-ones.

hygge at home fire

16. Hygge mood for any season.

Even though hygge is mostly associated with fall and winter, you can actually create a cozy atmosphere all-year-round! And not only at home, but in your everyday life as well. In the summer, you can still involve yourself in pleasant activities: organize a picnic in a nearby park, spend some quality time with your friends and family, or read a book in the sunshine with a refreshing drink in your hands. Do the things that make you happy and charge yourself with some positive energy for the whole year!

akvile photo


Author and traveler
Born and raised in Lithuania, never did I think that I would find myself living in Israel – this peculiar country that I’m still trying to figure out. When I’m not busy eating falafel, I love to travel and spend time outdoors, go for runs along the beach, daydream, and write, write, write…